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MODX Cloud users will need to keep an eye on their sites DNS as some IP addresses are changing, PHP 7.1 is scheduled to be removed from MODX Cloud in early January, and more news from the MODX Cloud team.

Every Friday the entire team at Sterc, a Dutch agency, spends their afternoon hacking on projects, and trying out new technologies. Recently they worked on running MODX on HHVM, a relatively new virtual machine that runs the Hack PHP compiler developed by Facebook.

And the results? MODX runs up to five times faster on HHVM, compared to standard PHP.

On Thursday October 29th there is a MODX Meetup in Utrecht for the Dutch MODXers. There will be a talk by Robbert van Markus about using MODX and Laravel together, which should be very interesting. For all details and to RSVP, head over to the group at