Almaty, Kazakhstan was the stage of another inspiring MODX Meetup last Saturday. People from all over Eurasia joined us in Almaty. It featured the introduction of the English and the extra "SEO Suite", the first English extra in

Almaty, "Apple City", named after the fruit, not the electronics brand, is a beautiful green city with very friendly people. We've explored the city for two days on our own and one day with a local guide, which was an amazing experience. Kazachstan has a long interesting history and is a very good example of what we call Eurasia: a mix of Europe and Asia.

Almaty is a very modern city and has a lot of nice venues to organise MODX pre- and afterparties, which is something the MODX Community Events are famous for. This year saw parties at a beer bar called München (just like in Minsk) and the US themed Hard Rock Cafe, with live Kazakh music!

The MODX Meetup venue was in one of the Uber offices in the Almaty Towers. The following presentations were performed:

  • "Developing in MODX using PHPStorm" by Ivan Klimchuk (English slides)
  • "Creating a new version of" by Vasily Naumkin (English slides)
  • "Building multi language sites without contexts" by Ilya Utkin
  • "Status and plans for modstore/" by Leonid Krylov (English slides)
  • "Experiences of building a webshop in MODX" by Mikhail Lavronov
  • "MODX Advisory Board & Building Bridges" by Gauke Pieter Sietzema (English slides)

Links to all presentations will be added later.

The closing keynote by Gauke Pieter was followed by the realtime publication of SEO Suite on SEO Suite is an extra which automatically fixes those annoying and SEO-killing 404 pages on your website.

The release of SEO Suite wouldn't have been possible without the bridge building we started in Minsk 2015. The introduction of the English was the result of a huge effort by Vasily Naumkin, Leonid Krylov and Vitaly Doshchenko. It means a direct bridge between the Russian and English speaking MODX community.

This is not where our "Bridge Building"-adventure ends. It is the start of a long-lasting cooperation, which we should all maintain in the best way possible. Therefore, plans are being made by the community to organise MODX events in both Minsk and Moscow.

For Sterc, SEO Suite is our first experiment in, but more extras are on the shelves. Exciting times are ahead of the MODX community!