These are our Authors relies on authors from all over the world to publish a regular stream of articles, links and media related to MODX. Here's a list of all the authors that have contributed to
Benjamin Davis
is a long-time MODX Ambassador in Munich and co-founder of the German MODX agency
Bob Ray
is the author of MODX: The Official Guide and dozens of MODX Extras including QuickEmail, NewsPublisher, SiteCheck, GoRevo, Personalize, EZfaq, MyComponent and many more.
Chris Cherrett
Creating great digital experiences with the very talented and criminally good-looking folk at Adido and
Chris Knellwolf
is a long time MODX enthusiast and loves building websites with it. He is the founder of cloudtec: a Swiss web agency that uses MODX to build amazing websites.
Christian Seel
is a MODX Professional and Ambassador from Germany. He's the Co-Founder of the MODX focused agency
Fabian Christen
became partner at after working for years as MODX freelancer. After lingering around in the CMS-Space he finally found his digital home with MODX.
Gauke Pieter Sietzema
is the CTO at Sterc Internet & Marketing and Chairman of the MODX Advisory Board.
Håvard Vidme
is a web developer and family man from Norway. Been using MODX since version 0.9. Interests include family, friends, hiking, movies and programming.
Hugo Peek
works at a Dutch agency called Qaraqter, where he’s constructing and designing content-driven websites. He likes Creative Freedom and reusable code, and is always looking for smarter and easier ways to build websites.
Ivan Klimchuk
is the MODX Ambassador from Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Creator of MODX Belarus community group.
Also MODX Core Developer and author of video tutorials and lessons about MODX.
Jan Dähne
is a web developer and MODX enthusiast from Germany working together with different design agencies, creating MODX websites based on their screen design.
Jay Gilmore
is General Manager at MODX.
Jens Wittmann
is an accessibility and sustainability developer from Leipzig, Germany.
He is a MODX enthusiast since 2006 and publishes his daily learnings as CurlyFramework
and also maintains the JoliTypo Extra.
Jesse Couch
is a twin, film nut, writer, long-time MODXer and a foster / adoptive dad with ten kids. He's also a successful UX/UI designer and developer with a penchant for simplicity.
John-Paul DeVries
is an HTML Designer, the Lead Developer of Redactor for MODX at modmore and a Thinkful Mentor. He shares hyper-accessible design practices and tools over at
Marc Jenkins
is a frontend developer at 16BY9, and writes things at and modmore.
Mark Hamstra
where he helps people doing more with MODX by providing premium extras with great support and documentation, and other initiatives meant to help MODXers like and SiteDash. Mark is a core integrator and member of the MODX security team.
Mat Dave
is a MODX Developer, Multimedia Designer, Father, Volunteer, Nebraska Native.
Robot Robbie
is our friendly robot that automatically posts interesting articles and news from various sources.
Rob Horn
is a busy freelance website developer with over 20 years’ experience and the last 5
years exclusively working with MODX. He is based in the UK with three grown up children
and a suitably large repertoire of “Dad” jokes.
Steven James McLean
is the Tech Lead & SEO Specialist at Springbok Agency and helped organise the MODX Meetup on Malta in May 2017.
Thomas Jakobi
is a german web-developer/designer. He is the developer of several open source extras for MODX. Thomas is the owner of Treehill Studio, a MODX agency developing premium extras.
Tom Sheehan
is a part time web designer, full time bicycle tour operator and guide. Learned programming when computers filled the entire floor of a buildings and card punches were all the rage. Now have to relearn everything every time we update our company website.
Tom Wilson
is a lover of MODX, using it for web applications at night while working in the field of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence during the day.
Treigh Pugh
is a longtime MODX enthusiast and community member from Toronto, Canada who listens to house music when he's pulling an All-Nighter.
Vasily Naumkin
is the author of pdoTools, miniShop2, Tickets and other components for MODX Revolution. Native Russian speaker.
YJ Tso
loves: Family, Kids, MODX, Media, Music, Film, Photography. Client Whisperer, Support & Learning Guy at MODX LLC, while blogging at
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Editorial Team
To maintain a constrant stream of quality posts, the team at modmore is responsible for some final editing, and deciding which submitted articles make it onto the website.