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Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of April 25, 2016. The updates this week include ContentBlocks, Notify, MinifyX, Videobox and Redactor.

MODXpo 2015 to be on November 21-22 in Munich, Germany

The MODXpo is back! This year, MODXpo Europe will take place in Munich, Germany, during the weekend of November 21st-22nd. In the first guest post, Organiser Benjamin Davis is excited to announce the launch of the conference website, and to invite potential speakers to get in touch.

Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of May 09, 2016. The updates this week include Theme.Bootstrap and JSONDerulo.

Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of April 11, 2016. The updates this week include ContentBlocks, debugParser, CookieConsent, MetaFormat, BookmarkThis, ActivationEmail, twbsh5bp, GoogleSiteMap, SPForm, Redactor, GoogleStoreLocator, Babel, virtuNewsletter and UpgradeMODX.