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Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of June 01, 2015. The updates this week include Google Analytics Dashboard Widget, myCalendar, cycleResources, orphoMan, MIGX and Image+.

MODXpo 2015: What's next for Preview and Workflow? received some fantastic comments and feedback at MODXpo. Attendees not only shared an interest or immediate intention to use Preview and Workflow in their own projects, but also a passion for advancing the extras further with some really great ideas, making it even more valuable to MODX.

Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of January 04, 2016. The updates this week include StaticElements Accelerator, Videobox, Queeg, Login, BackupMODX, ContentBlocks, ModLDAP, AdvSearch, Updater, Ace and pdoTools.

By 2020, the CMS/CMF war had ended, and tools from MODX had been declared the winner. MODX had (almost) become a household name with a large share of the market and had gained enough critical mass to be a self-sustaining entity. Here's the story of how we got there.

MODX 2.8.6 has been released with a couple of bug and security fixes. This is a recommended update for your 2.8 sites. 

Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of August 17, 2015. The updates this week include siblingNav, autoRedirector, ParseX, BannerY, miniShop2 and Updater.