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Is it a good idea to run a production site on the first MODX3 release candidate? Not really. And actually updating it in production directly? Definitely not. is now running MODX 3.0.0-rc1, and here's how we did it.

Only a short few months ago, the team at and I were excited about putting together an exciting MODXpo Europe for you. It was originally planned to take place today and tomorrow, but only a month after the announcement it was already pushed back to October due to the coronovirus spreading heavily all over Europe.

MODX Revolution 2.6.1 has been released, including fixes for editing resources that contain quotes in the name, several bugs related to the media browser and media sources, and possible fatal errors on the OnResourceCacheUpdate event.

MODX 3 Weekly Update #7

Week 7 was an exciting week for MODX3. Vasily finished the new Dashboard architecture. It needs testers now, lots of them! The MODX3 team got a new member and we're working on finishing up the MODX Template Preview feature.