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    Just a quick copy-n-paste tip for the MODX beginner. As you might know, you can't have multiple values in the stripString output modifiers. Here is a solution: create a custom output modifier. This way you can have a strip command with multiple values to strip.

    Create a snippet (name: stripWords) with this code, and alter to your needs:
    $string = $input;
    $output = str_replace(array('these', 'words', 'will', 'be', 'stripped'), '' , $string);
    return $output;

    And call it in your tag: [[*content:stripWords]]

    Good luck!

    This question has been answered by BobRay. See the first response.

      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Very nice! smiley

      Here's a version with the words to strip in the tag (untested):


      /* stripWords snippet */
      $words = array_map('trim', explode(',', $options));
      return str_replace($words, '', $input);

      michelle84's version will be faster.

      If you often change the words to be stripped, you might want to just put them in a chunk:

      wordsToStrip chunk:


      /* stripWords snippet */
      $words = $modx->getChunk('wordsToStrip');
      $words = array_map('trim', explode(',', $words));
      return str_replace($words, '', $input);

      Note that you can replace the '' with something to put in place of the stripped words:

      return str_replace($words, '[expletive deleted]', $input);

      [ed. note: BobRay last edited this post 8 years, 11 months ago.]
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        Just a note. This would be much faster if you could do the replacements when the document is saved using a plugin, though it often wouldn't be practical. AFAIK, it wouldn't work with Articles or their comments, for example.

        It would be slightly faster to do it in a plugin attached to the OnWebPagePrerender System Event.
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          • 19328
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          Thanks for the complement Bob!
          • discuss.answer
            • 3749
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            You're welcome. I managed to get a blog post out of this (with credit to you, of course). smiley
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