ContentBlocks 1.4.2-pl, released on 2016-04-11 View Changelog
×- Fix MySQL error caused by the templates "Target Field" dropdown [S8482]
- Fix viewing layouts and templates on layout fields when "allowed templates" or "allowed layouts" is set to -1. [S8356]
debugParser 1.1.0-pl, released on 2016-04-11 View Changelog
×There is no changelog available for this release.
CookieConsent 0.0.2-rc2, released on 2016-04-11 View Changelog
×Initial content
MetaFormat 1.2.0-pl, released on 2016-04-11 View Changelog
×Version: 1.2.0
- Updated transport mechanism and package structure
- Now uses chunks instead of DOMDocument for tag generation
- Added &exclude, &preMain, &postMain, &preCSS, $postCSS, &preJS, &postJS, &appendCSS, icon
- Removed lang, excludeTags
- Updated documentation at http://madaboutbrighton.net/projects/metaformat
- NOTE - if using hostAll, hostMedia or hostCode make sure you use a full domain, e.g. //cdn-media.madaboutbrighton.net/
Version: 1.1.3
Added excludeTags functionality:-
- a comma seperated list of tag names can be specified, which will be excluded from the output
Version: 1.1.2
- Fixed, appendTag variable not defined, error
BookmarkThis 1.3.0-pl, released on 2016-04-11 View Changelog
×Version: 1.3.0
- Updated transport mechanism and package structure
- Data is now derived from a chunk containing a JSON object
- Now totally customisable
- Updates CSS
- Added &exclude, &appendJS, &appendCSS, data, &tpl, &tplWrapper
- Removed tagContain, styleContain, getImageSize, typeImage, widthImage, heightImage, urlJavascript, urlImage, pathData
- Added reddit and newsvine bookmarklets
- Updated documentation at http://madaboutbrighton.net/projects/bookmarkthis
Version: 1.2.3
- Removed Ping
Version: 1.2.2
- Removed Google Buzz
- Added Google+
Version: 1.2.1
- Caching fixed for multiple instances on the same page with different settings
Version: 1.2.0
- Bookmarklets sorted by &use (if specified)
Version: 1.1.0
- Fixed linked-in error
ActivationEmail 1.1.3-pl, released on 2016-04-12 View Changelog
- Add fullname placeholder
- Fix bug with activeSender property being ignored
- Updates for MODX 2.3
- Fixed some potential E_NOTICE errors
- Fixed critical bug that interfered with MODX Setup when upgrading for some versions
- Fixed typo in deactivation Tpl chunk
- Added properties to set email fields.
- Activation email and deactivation email can have different replyTo, from, fromName, subject, and emailSender settings.
- Added placeholder.
twbsh5bp 1.2.0-pl, released on 2016-04-13 View Changelog
×twbsh5bp 1.2.0-pl (April 13, 2016)
- - added login & profile drop downs for top header
- - twitter's bootstrap v3.3.6
- - HTML5 Boilerplate v5.3.0
GoogleSiteMap 2.0.2-rc1, released on 2016-04-14 View Changelog
×New in 2.0.2-rc1
<ul><li>Complete rewrite based on Garry's blazing fast sitemap code</li><li><li>Added cachemanager</li><li>Efforts were made to make it backwards compatible using runSnippet to call the legacy snippet if legacy features are required.</li><li>RC release could use some more testing</li></li></ul>
New in 1.3.1
- [#14] Add &priorityTV to allow for specifying priority of page in a TV
- [#15] Better Articles support
New in 1.3.0
- [#7] Add &showHidden for showing items hidden from menu; hide those by default
- Add &where for JSON-based where filtering
- [#13] Add &excludeChildrenOf, which can take a comma-separated list of parents to exclude all children of
New in 1.2.1
- [#1] Add ability to make sitemap from a specific Resource via startId property
- [#4] Fix issue where children of non-published resources were not showing
- [#5] Fix issue where children of non-searchable resources were not showing
New in 1.2.0
- Updated google schema to 0.9, fixed reference
- Added maxDepth, excludeResources properties
- Refactored to work with overridable chunks for templates
- Fixed URL generation bug where home URL was incorrectly generating
- Updated copyright information
- i18n of properties
SPForm 3.3.0-pl, released on 2016-04-14 View Changelog
×Version 3.3.0-pl
- Fixed bug with &cssPath property
- Fixed bug with &useemailsender property
- JavaScript popup if Captcha resoponse is empty
- Updates links in tutorial
Version 3.2.2-pl ---------- Removed leftover debugging code
Version 3.2.1-pl -----------Minor bug fixes and corrections
Version 3.2.0-------------Added useemailsender and spfrom properties to override user email address in EMAIL_FROM
Version 3.1.7-------------Added Russian TranslationCreated English nl properties file while awaiting nl translation
Version 3.1.6-------------Fixed bug with lexicon->load for other languagesAdded language strings to JS alertsAdded Spanish translation files
Redactor 2.1.1-pl, released on 2016-04-14 View Changelog
×- Fix Broken Link Anchor Tab
- Image and File Browsers now use separate local storage cache keys
GoogleStoreLocator 1.1.2-pl, released on 2016-04-14 View Changelog
×Changelog for GoogleStoreLocator
GoogleStoreLocator 1.1.2
+ Add Property "region" to prefer a region for Google to search for the geo-data
+ Fix forcing the latitude and longitude value to be a float
+ Add Property "autoZoomCenter" to make the map automatic center and zoom to fit all markers
GoogleStoreLocator 1.1.1
+ Add Property "sortby" to sort the default results by any Resource Field
+ Add Property "sortbyTV" to sort the default results by any included TV
GoogleStoreLocator 1.1.0
+ Add Property "limit" and "offset" to limit and offset results
+ Add Property "tvFilter" to filter stores by TVs
+ Add Property "markerImage" and "markerImageLocation" to set custom Image as marker on the map
+ Add Property "location" and "locationRadius" to order the stores by default
GoogleStoreLocator 1.0.0
Initial Version
Babel 3.0.0-rc1, released on 2016-04-15 View Changelog
× Babel 3.0.0-rc1 (April 15, 2016)=====================================
- - added Custom Manager Page for resources matrix, supported by Steven Morgan of Waterlogic
virtuNewsletter 2.0.2-pl, released on 2016-04-15 View Changelog
×virtuNewsletter 2.0.2-pl (April 16, 2016)
- - [#43] fixed nicer error throw when mailgun's library doesn't exist
- - [#44][#47] enabled mailgun's batch sending
UpgradeMODX 1.5.1-pl, released on 2016-04-16 View Changelog
× UpgradeMODX 1.5.1-pl- Correct snippet tag in resource
- Add Swedish translation (thanks to kristk)
- Fix issue with open_basedir check (thanks to Jako)
- Fix protocol for loading fonts and logo (thanks to inreti)
- Add support for local certs for SSL_VERIFY_PEER
- Fix bug with quit function
- Add github_username and github_token properties
- Improve diagnostics
- Log Upgrades to Manager Actions log
- Add snippet property to control cURL SSL_VERIFY_PEER option
- Add forceFopen, githubTimeout, modxTimeout properties
- Add attempts, and versionListPath properties
- Improve error handling and diagnostics
- Unit tests for all methods
- Refactor for better dependency injection and reliability
- Fix bug with missing version list
- Fix bug with blank screen when both cURL and allow_url_fopen are disabled
- Fix bug in test for cURL
- Refactor unZip code
- Add forcePclZip property
- Improve error handling
UpgradeMODX 1.2.2-pl
- Public Launch
UpgradeMODX 1.2.1.rc
- Fix issue with version list
- wrap class in if (class_exists)
UpgradeMODX 1.2.0-rc
- Use PclZip if ZipArchive is not available
- Improve reliability of ZipArchive extraction
- Fix bug with sorting when plOnly is false
- Fix bug with missing setup directory
- Add set_time_limit(0) in loop
- Fix spurious error in resolver
- Form and doc updates
UpgradeMODX 1.0.2-beta1
- Fixed bug with earlier versions of PHP
UpgradeMODX 1.0.0-beta1
- Initial Version
April 11, 2016 by Robot Robbie Extra Updates for Week 15
Our loyal Release Robot Robbie has compiled a list of new and updated MODX Extras in the week of April 11, 2016.