There seems to be a misconception that the MODX Bug Hunt is only focused on fixing code. There are lots of other things that people can do to contribute that don't require ninja coding skills!

For example:

  • make sure that the issues are still relevant! Some may no longer be applicable to the current version of MODX, or are duplicate reports. This requires testing the issue and reporting your findings with a comment (including the hashtag #modxbughunt). One of the official integrators will take it from there - and you get a point on the bug hunt!
  • test usability issues with the manager
  • correct spelling mistakes
  • interview people for the live stream
  • come to Munich and help out! Act as a liaison between one of the coders and the kitchen. Serve coffee, tea, water, beer...whatever they need!

The Bug Hunt is also a great way to get together with others in the community! Swap stories, get tips, try out new ideas, go to a Munich beer garden... think of it as a large and constructive Meetup. All MODX enthusiasts are welcome!

We will have food, drinks and lots of fun!

So don't be worried that you don't have what it takes, or any experience looking at MODX under the hood. There are quite a few other ways to participate and earn points, and there will be plenty of people to help you out, too.

We would be excited to give everyone a warm welcome in Munich! We will find a way for everyone to contribute.

If it sounds like fun, join us in Munich on July 7th. Sign up on