Welcome to MODX.today

Mark Hamstra is an author for MODX.today, where we're bringing the latest news to the MODX Community. Every day(-ish).

founded modmore where he helps people doing more with MODX by providing premium extras with great support and documentation, and other initiatives meant to help MODXers like MODX.today and SiteDash. Mark is a core integrator and member of the MODX security team.

MODX 3.1 was released just before the holidays. This release bumps the minimum PHP version to 7.4 and includes a range of bug fixes and user experience improvements to the MODX3 series.

Belgrade meetup recap

Sterc has published a recap of the MODX Meetup in Belgrade that took place a few weeks ago. Read more about the talks, and access a full recording if you'd like to watch the whole thing.

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